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{! total !} hotel Available Now {! appInfo.IN_VIEW.DESTINATION !} Searching for the best prices in {! appInfo.IN_VIEW.DESTINATION !} After filter {! totalFilter !} {! filterData[0].value !} {! $help.arrToStr(filterData[1].value) !} Max {! filterData[2].value[1] !} min {! filterData[2].value[0] !}

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{! $help.replacePuls($appInfo.SEARCHPARAMS.hotel_name) !}This hotel is not available on the date set
You can change the date of arrival and departure or choose another hotel from the search resultsDubai City
سعر 9 ليالي
USD 2139
No Hotels available
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you can change the filterDubai City
سعر 9 ليالي
USD 2139
99% Discount
From ({! $appInfo.IN_VIEW.FLIGHTS_SEARCH.itineraries[0].departureLocation !}) To ({! $appInfo.IN_VIEW.FLIGHTS_SEARCH.itineraries[0].arrivalLocation !}) - Round Trip One way - {! words[$appInfo.IN_VIEW.FLIGHTS_SEARCH.cabinClass] !}
Price per person : {! | priceFloor!} {!appInfo.CURRENCY!}
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